There really is no shortcut to copying XBOX games.In fact,this mightily complicated process and has stumped some really techie people.This is evident with the prevalence of the question on copying XBOX games in Internet message boards and tech chat rooms.But why does one need to be going about there and copying XBOX games? Is this not legal?
One is to buy and instal a MOD-chip.This will allow your console to play XBOX games that you have copied as well as play imported games from other countries with the perfect sound video with no problem at all.While it may seem that all you have to do is purchase a MOD-Chip and the voila, you have another think coming.There are actually a lot of things you should consider when buying a MOD-Chip.Most recommend the Divineo Modchips,which are purported to be really reliable.Some of the popular brands are theXecuter2and 3,Xenium,Smart XX,X-bit.
Another way in copying and using XBOX games is to change the BIOS of the XBOX so that it will no longer read the requirement of digital -signed software.This is basically reprogramming the whole BIOS.
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